We spend a great part of our lives in school because school something we have to do. But school should also be something we want to do That means we have to be motivated, and what we study in class has to be relevant to us and our world.
These days, without a post-secondary education, from college or university, there's not much chance we'll get a decent job, or one we like. All this time we spend in school has to prepare us for that job that's going to pay our rent or our mortgage, support our family, and afford us the R & R every body and spirit needs.
Motivation and relevance go a long way to make school meaningful.
What are we learning in school today that really counts? Think of all the content we forget soon after we graduate. Knowledge is important, but according to Tony Wagner from Harvard University, here's the learning that really counts:
Skills Students Need for the 21st Century
Critical thinking and problem solving
The ability to ask the right questions
Reasoning skills
Accessing and analyzing information, away from textbook-bound education
Curiosity and ImaginationCollaboration across networks
Leading by influence
Respecting differences
Agility and adaptability
Continuous learning
Effective oral and written communication
Writing with voice and originality
How does your school measure up?
How do you?
Email your comments and questions.